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Business Partners


My husband and I are the best duo possible for the arts. I paint, he takes pictures. He makes commercials, I make websites. He sings and dances, I write endlessly. I was trained on a violin, he played tuba. We just make sense.

a man and woman wearing matching outfits laughing
I mean look at us wearing the same outfit

When I told him I was starting to take the entire business idea seriously, he was so excited that he immediately made his own company. He cracks me up.

All the pictures of my paintings on my website come from this wonderfully talented man. We're basically giving each other free advertising at this point.

We're learning this whole process together. I love that we're setting out on our own adventures. We're a team. I'm helping him figure out taxes, he's helping me with marketing. He's encouraging me to apply to galleries, I'm forever nagging him to follow his dreams.

I'll say it! I claim Draak, LLC. as my sister company.

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