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I finally encountered warped stretchers.

Maybe I caused this during a horrific cold in which I needed the humidifier running 24/7. Maybe I did this when I was fixing a serious pucker in the canvas during prep with the spray bottle. Maybe the evil little cat my husband has found a way to do this.

The painting I'm most proud of has been hanging sideways in the bedroom because I simply ran out of space after 3 years here. It's fallen, been pawed at, probably licked by aforementioned evil little cat, and has been quietly curing with other sideways paintings. And the bottom right corner has lifted two inches from the wall.

I was looking around and found ANOTHER big painting's bottom right corner is lifting away from the walls. I'm starting to think this was a transportation issue as I'd bought these both at the same time.

I simply do not have the space, time, confidence, or dedication to my work to restretch these canvases. I'm doing some serious rearranging of the back wall to fix this.

Now enters Frog Tape, the level on my phone, and a spray bottle.

The East Gate painting is warped in two corners. Top left, bottom right, so I'm guessing it's the long bars that are warped. Bottom right is definitely worse, but it's worth looking at the middle support bar.

Thus begins the great experiment to straighten this thing out.

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